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My-own-voice is a software program that allows you to synthetically re-create your own voice through the process of voice banking.  My-own-voice creates a synthetic voice, very much like the user’s own, that can be employed with an assistive device to read any text keeping the essence of the original voice in terms of timbre, accent and intonation.

My Own Voice

  • My-own-voice is a web service created to make it easy for anyone to create a synthetic voice, with the support from Grasp Assistive Technologies. The service can be used without any particular knowledge and equipment, besides a computer, a headset and an internet connection.

    The service presents the user with about 1500 sentences that the user needs to record into the system. These sentences will then be processed and used to create the text-to-speech voice.

    Once the synthetic voice has been created it can be used for free in a type&talk box on the website, or it can be purchased for use with SAPI on Windows, with Google TTS API on Android, or in a partner application.

    Please note that, at an initial stage, the service is free until you decide to use the voice in a specific application, giving you the possibility to test and verify the quality of the voice, or even re-record it, before purchasing anything.

    Do you want to create your voice? Please contact us and provide us with some background information about yourself – why do you want to create your own voice and how would you like to use the voice? We’ll get back to you with login information so you can access the service and start your free recording.
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